Surfers Of Scandinavia - Wilma Rönnback

Surfers Of Scandinavia - Wilma Rönnback

Hi Wilma, could you tell us a bit about your background and how you got into surfing?
Hi,Yeah for sure I'm 21 years old or soon 22 years old and work as an administrator. I like photography, writing, yoga, and working out. I started surfing because I met my boyfriend, and like many things, he got me into something I had never done before.
So, I started surfing at Salusand, which is a few miles from here. So I didn't start in Bali in the warmth wich a lot of people do. Instead, I had to wear a wetsuit and freeze my butt off, and I borrowed my boyfriends mom's wetsuit wich was to big  and my boyfriend's board that was to small. Then, when we came out of the water, I saw that he had a much bigger board than me,wich wasn’t really nice of him but after that I became hooked on surfing.

Which place would you say has the best waves for surfing in Scandinavia that you have tried?
Well, I have only surfed in Salusand and varberg. Salusand which is in västernorrland and I have not tried any other places yet. In Varberg, I was a complete beginner, and I don't remember anything about the waves. So, Salusand is my choice.
You haven't been in the surf culture for very long, but if you were to compare the surf culture here in Sweden to, for example, Bali/Lombok?
As I said, I have only been surfing for a year, and it was only after our recent trip that I began to feel quite independent in the water and have a better understanding of the waves and how to surf them. However, I am still a beginner, but I have bought my first board now.
In Salusand, the community is very welcoming, and even though I didn’t know much about surf etiquette, everyone has been very friendly, welcoming, and interested in who I am. I think it's because the surf community here in the north and in Sweden generally isn't that big, and there aren't many people who are crazy enough to jump in the water when it's zero degrees in the water.
 compared to Lombok, where locals with every right get sometimes get fed up with the overcrowding in the lineup, and beginners who don't understand how to drop in, and all that.
 But, I think surfing is as much of a lifestyle in Sweden as it is in bali/Lombok Therefore, as I said to you earlier, even though the surfing is better in places like Lombok, I appreciate surfing more in Sweden because it's rarer to be able to surf here than in Bali, where you can surf every day if you want to.
In Sweden, being a surfer becomes more of a personality trait because you have to keep an eye on the weather constantly, and you become like a hobby meteorologist.

 What is the most memorable surfing experience you've had?
My first green wave was tough but memorable, and my biggest wave, although it was probably only 100% me thinking that, or one of my first waves that you have on film that was long, and then a guy came into the shot, who was really pleased, not because he saw me, but because you had a big camera, and I think he thougt you where filming him, that was a good memory. Also, the first time I tried in Varberg and realized how hard it was but how fun it was.
Do you have any tips for people who want to start surfing in Sweden?
Sure, my first tip would be to find a surf school near you to get a proper start. But most importantly, you need to find a surf spot close to your home for consistency and regular training. It's also important to find a community that can take you under their wing and teach you about surf etiquette for your own and others' safety. Then it’s just to get as much time in the water as possible because it will take time to learn. So don’t give up! 

What would you say surfing means to you in your life?
It's a relatively new interest and passion for me, but it brings me joy and everyday luxury.
Surfing is everything I feel good about. It's effortless in the sense that I put on a wetsuit with a hood, which is not the most flattering look, and all I care about is being as warm as possible. It's not a beauty pageant, and it should be functional.
 I get to be out in nature and see beautiful things, and I get to be with people I like and meet people I'll start to like.
Surfing has started to have a significant impact on my life, and I understand that it becomes the only thing I think about during autumn and winter when the surfing season is on in Sweden.

Surf Scandinavia or South Europe?
 Scandinavia, because without it, I wouldn't be able to surf on weekdays.
Shortboard or longboard?
Summer surf or winter surf?
Summer surf for sure.
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